Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Love Allah.

Feeling of love

Is an award Allah in His slave

And because of it human beings are willing anything

As long as he own what hoped for

Because love

Willing to sacrifice anything, property and life

Every moment only think on so-and-so that dear

Want with all the time

Yet certain your love appreciated

Possible so-and-so? will still loyal

After you submit soul and your basket

Possible you make sure not ?will crushed

If you love flower

Aware you the flower ?will wilt

If you love human

Aware his one day ?will go

If you love property

The property later you will leave

If you love Allah
Only Allah which will unchanged

Love Allah

Talk said.

Sweet utterance beautiful talk said
Not as beautiful as the insight appearance
Soft him tongue talk about insult
Tongue that no bony
And slander among relative

Occasionally I think private
Have to be angry me left continue to be lit up
Burn glow with feeling of pride
Discredit them with words

Said like sword
Penetratingly him venom murder opponent
Words that meaning
Awaken us

Said poet's eulogy
Venom become human guide
Look after language said us
Do not is blamed use

That those red saga
That the kurik pitcher
That beautiful language
That beautiful character

Occasionally I define human
Kurniaan Tuhan have been many betrayed
Abuse, insult, the lie talk
Arrange insult with words

Overshoot boat can still be withdrawn more
Overshoot said bad the consequences
Overshoot boat can still be withdrawn more
Overshoot said lose believe
Lose believe.

Hejira a vision.

Every human that having vision,
Want change,
To achieve all dream,
To create a success,
That more glorious.

Start migrate with intention,
Saintly and sure,
Build harmonious life,
Hejira claim perseverance patience sacrifice,
Safe lived well tranquil.

Hejira a transition,
In pass over living stream,
From ignorance on truth.

Emulate Rasulullah,
Migrating from Makah to Madinah,
For set up phrase saintly.

Hejira a change,
In pass over modernity current,
From backwardness to development.

Avoid hostility,
United close love,
For succeed migrate that noble.